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5 Reasons You Need Bone Broth In Your Life

5 Reasons You Need Bone Broth In Your Life

Written by Sheree Beaumont.

1. Supports your digestive system and gut health

With so many issues with gut health nowadays such as leaky gut, food intolerances, SIBO, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), irritable bowel diseases such as Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis, it is no wonder we are starting to revert back to our ancient medicinal remedies. 

Bone broth is rich in both collagen and gelatin that contain amino acids essential to help coat and line the gut, reducing inflammation and actually HEALING the gut lining that is damaged as a result of the chronic stress it has been exposed to over time. It is the glutamine (from gelatin) that has been shown to be particularly beneficial in healing and sealing the intestinal tract walls. 

The healing properties of bone broth, and its link to reducing leaky gut, have also been shown to reduce anxiety, depression, allergies, food intolerances, and acne (as these are often a byproduct of leaky gut syndrome). 


2. Improves joint and bone health

Those amino acids aren’t just great for your gut… collagen is the main protein inside your bones, tendons and ligaments. In the process of cooking the broth, collagen is broken down into gelatin which contains the amino acids proline and glycine which are key building blocks for our connective tissue and bones. 

Bone broth is also a fantastic source of minerals such as magnesium, calcium, and potassium, all of which are required to help build strong healthy bones and key nutrients for our cartilage glucosamine and chondroitin.  The marrow from the animal bones also contains selenium, omega 3 fatty acids, boron, vitamin A, vitamin K, zinc and iron! These nutrients release into the broth during the cooking process making them super easy for the body to absorb.

3. Anti-ageing and skin health benefits

Bone broth is super rich in collagen (as you can probably tell by now), but those benefits of collagen are not simply limited to our gut and bones, they have incredible benefits for the skin as well. 

The reason collagen is one of the big players in the beauty industry is because it is a protein that is found in both the skin and connective tissues, it is what we lose as we age (wrinkles) and therefore, it gives the skin the bouncy youthful look. It has also been linked to stronger hair and nails. 

Unfortunately our collagen stores start to break down and reduce from 25 years old!!! Having bone broth regularly will provide you with your collagen intake to help with those anti-ageing benefits, paired alongside a great skincare routine your body will thank you for it in years to come!! 

4. Supports your immune system and can reduce inflammation

70% of your immune system lives in your gut, so the fact that bone broth is great for gut health already speaks volumes. Not to mention the bone broth contains key amino acids in fighting the common cold such as cysteine, glutamine and arginine. These aid in the reduction of inflammation, breaking down mucus and clearing the respiratory system. 

Whilst we may need a small amount of inflammation from time to time, it is the chronic inflammation from ongoing stressors (internally and externally); think work, food, mental state, relationships, exercise etc that can cause wear and tear on the body at a more rapid rate than it can heal. 

So having these amino acids as part of your daily or weekly routine can help reduce the inflammation and stress on the body, help the healing and recovery process too! Win-win! 

5. Aids sleep and weight loss

Probably two of the most common complaints I get as a wellness coach, is people struggling to sleep and to lose weight, so if there is going to be something that can help with both, then it is a win in my books! 

There is research to show that the amino acid glutamine (found in bone broth) helps maintain energy and boost our metabolism, it is one of the reasons why it is so great to drink during a fast. There is also the amino acid glutathione in bone broth that helps in the building/recovery of muscle. As we know, the more muscle mass we have on the body, the more fat we burn at rest as it increases our BMR (basal metabolic rate). These are a few of the key ways bone broth can aid in weight loss. 

When it comes to sleep, it is in my opinion the most IMPORTANT element to consider when we look at health and well-being. There isn’t a single process in the body that isn’t affected by sleep. If we can find a way to not only get optimal quantities of sleep but QUALITY, we are going to be feeling healthier and happier all around (and as a byproduct can often shift weight/heal the gut too.) 

Bone broth can help relax our central nervous system as it contains the amino acid glycine. This in turn helps us fall asleep. It also contains some magnesium which is essential for a good night’s sleep too. So whilst it can promote energy, it can also be used to wind down and could be something you think about adding to your evening supplement routine.


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