Meet Dr. Giresh Kanji, a specialist in musculoskeletal pain, stress, and sleep disorders. Combining personal experience with extensive research, Dr. Kanji offers holistic solutions to help people overcome chronic pain and stress.
In this interview, he shares his journey into medicine and expert tips on using heat therapy, movement, and mindfulness to manage pain and optimise sleep.
In my practice I review people with spinal and joint pain with a focus on finding out what is causing symptoms, short term measures to alleviate pain and long-term measures to preserve the spine and joints. Pain increases the stress response which in turn increases pain. I also encourage patients to perform regular habits (Meditation/breathing, Yoga, Tai Chi, Exercise, Heat -sauna, spa and baths) to reduce stress to improve pain and sleep.
What initially led you to studying and becoming a medical professional?
I was hospitalised as a five-year-old for three months in isolation and at the age off six fractured a hip and ended up in hospital for a few more months. By the age of seven I realised I wanted to be a doctor. I wanted to learn how the body worked, instead I learned more about how the body malfunctions.
What led you to specialising in musculoskeletal pain, stress, sleep, and heat. And what was the inspiration to research and write books on this subject? a. Your journey with chronic low back and neck pain

"Breath, Move, Heat sums up the habits people need to practice at least four times a week for better sleep and to cope with the stress of modern life."
Where has your work taken you thus far and what are the most rewarding aspects for you? a. E.g. places of practice, research, speaking, publications, etc.
Sharing recipes to improve musculoskeletal pain and stress symptoms to enable people to improve their health is the most rewarding part of my job. People are relieved when they have an explanation of why they are suffering. Sometimes patients will email me after years or even decades to let me know they have improved from their pain, insomnia, anxiety or depression. I learned about the benefits of regular heat (sauna/spa/bath) in my PhD and I am very pleased to see the proliferation of saunas throughout New Zealand.
When it comes to clinical practice, what challenges do they tend to present with?
Uncertainty - many people do not know why they are in physical or mental pain. For some patients making time is a challenge to perform the habits that will improve their health.
So, you tend to see clients who are uncertain about why they're experiencing the mental or physical pain they're in, what does your approach to treatment tend to look like?
I see patients who have pain and stress related symptoms. I like to explore the reason behind their musculoskeletal pain and stress symptoms (intergenerational, intrauterine, childhood and adult trauma) and aim for treatment that will give short-, medium- and long-term relief. I give patients the recipe and let them choose the best approach for them. I can only show them the recipe, then it is up to them to carry out most of the management.

What 3 habits would you suggest to all people for minimising pain, reducing stress, and optimising sleep? And why?
Breath - Move - Heat sums up the habits that people need to perform a minimum of four times a week to ensure good sleep and cope with onslaughts of modern life. Deep breathing meditation, movement – exercise, Yoga, Tai Chi and heat -Sauna/spa/baths help reduce the activity of the stress system. They can improve pain and stress symptoms including sleep.
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