Please give us a rundown on who you are and what you do?
My name is Nathan Harris I am a professional Rugby player for the Waikato Chiefs and Bay of Plenty Steamers, a son, brother, father and a husband to my beautiful wife Abby

What does a typical (in season) day look like for you?
Wake up around 5.30, bit of meditation to start the day followed by some stretching. Getting my daughter up at 7am. Training normally starts around 9am which will include meetings, a gym session, on field training session and topped off with some recovery. Finish at about 5pm, back home to either spend time with my daughter or help wherever I can.

How do you keep health a priority while being so busy?
I would call it wellness. Mediation in the morning has recently become important to me, a well balanced diet is crucial in making sure I have enough energy in my body to train to the fullest. The most import aspect is putting time aside for my family/friends. If I don't get this right I don't feel myself.
What’s the best advice you’ve ever received that has helped you become the epic person you are today?
Someone once asked me that if you didn't get paid for your profession would you still continue to do that profession.
What advice would you give any readers who want to follow in your footsteps?
Create a vision, smart goals and have an understanding why you want to do this. Rome wasn't built in a day so take it slow but relish in every day you have and own it.
What’s your favourite way to have any of our Mitchells products?
Warmer weather - Smoothies
Colder weather - Warm cup of bone broth is very relaxing
If I have a coffee cold or hot I'll always add a couple scoops
Also in my signature dish lasagna 🤤
What’s your proudest moment so far?
So tough. But there are a couple that come to mind, but I think my daughter being born was massive.

What about your hardest moment, and how you dealt with it?
Injuries. I have suffered a lot of them unfortunately. I deal with them by relating back to my vision, what I want to achieve and setting smart goals accordingly. If anyone goes through any hardship best things I can suggest are meditation, googling growth mindset and being vulnerable (especially men) to talk with loved ones about how you feel.
Finally, what’s your fav adventure spot in New Zealand?
To be honest nothing beats a secluded beach on a summers day! So I'll say Pukehina beach in February.